Complete in-House Pharmacy
Our animal clinic can dispense antibiotics and medicines as well as parasite control medications. These medications include topical and internal medicine as well as heartworm prevention medications - all available from trusted brands.
In addition, we carry prescription diet foods to fit your pet's specific dietary needs. This includes food for cats with urinary problems and foods for pets with hypoallergenic needs.
Complete Laboratory
When your pet is in need of a complete blood count, our animal clinic has a hematology machine on-site that uses laser technology. With this, we receive results in as little as 20 minutes. This lets us handle pre-surgical screenings, get the results back rapidly and get treatment started right away.
Our vets can practice better medicine because we get complete results almost immediately. In fact, because we have a chemistry analyzer to test your pets' liver, kidneys and all of their internal organs, we can screen thyroids and cortisol and conduct endocrinology testing. This delivers the highest level of care to your pets.